At last week’s Adams & Adams WineLand Seminar, innovation was one of the key focus areas. To such a degree that participants were discouraged from going back to basics. As per a @WineSandile tweet: “Don’t go back to basics. The basics didn’t work before how will they work in the future. Innovate.”
Now that is a challenge!
I am all for making new plans when the old ones are not working. Having said that, should innovation discredit the basics? The idea is that basics are dependable and will always set good standards, is it not?!
In today’s quick-pace society, however, requirements and market demand are constantly changing and what is regarded as a successful and good standard the one day, might not be the next! It seems that the basics we always want to go back to, are not as set as we once thought.
It makes sense. That is why we constantly need to be innovative. What was seen as a solution a year or two ago, now needs review. Why? The solution is not working anymore because the requirement has changed. Today’s basics can be outdated by tomorrow.
One might consider that some things are above these interpretations. Quality for one. The basic demand for quality will always be there. True, but quality is not a stand-alone and where some years ago we were willing to wait for a quality product, today we might be willing to opt for something of lesser quality, given that we can get it quicker.
Innovation is coming up with plans and ideas to address new needs and I find it interesting that although the creative execution lies in the innovation, the social and economic commentary are within how the basics have to be constantly redefined.
Now, how to interpret this within the wine industry?!