Political economy academic and author Mike Veseth is working on book project titled Grape Expectations: Globalization, Two Buck Chuck and the Future of Wine which looks at “the battle between the market forces that are redrawing the world wine map and the terroiristes who resist them.”
You can find out more about the project here which deals with an issue that all in the global wine industry are faced with. Veseth describes it as:
“Globalization has pushed back the borders of the wine world creating a complex inter-connected market where Old World and New World wines and producers compete head to head.
“The battle isn’t just about bottles bought and sold, however, power and taste are also at stake. Who will call the shots in the wine market of the future? Who will set the price? Whose palate will prevail?”
Veseth refers use the Rabobank World Wine map, shown above, to illustrate the competing players in the global wine industry. Click on the map to get a better view.